Evolutionary Genetics - Bioinformatics

Assignment Reports by Nik Tesla

Assignment #1

1. Get Ready

We start with creating a working directory in home.

cd ${HOME}        # make sure you are home
# cd              # this would be an alternative to bring you home
mkdir Assignments # create a working folder
cd Assignments    # switch to the directory
pwd               # make sure it worked

2. Create an empty file to collect your output.

We can use the command touch the create an empty text file.

touch A1_Nik_Tesla_Logfile.txt
stat A1_Nik_Tesla_Logfile.txt

The touch command is the easiest way to create new, empty files. It is also used to change the timestamps (i.e., dates and times of the most recent access and modification) on existing files and directories. The syntax is touch [option] file. The complete timestamps for any file or directory can be viewed by using the stat command.

3. Add a header to your file including name and date.

I like to add a simple file header to the log file before I start recoding.

cat "-----------------"  > A1_Nik_Tesla_Logfile.txt
cat " L O G - F I L E " >> A1_Nik_Tesla_Logfile.txt
cat " Nik Tesla"        >> A1_Nik_Tesla_Logfile.txt
cat "-----------------" >> A1_Nik_Tesla_Logfile.txt
cat ""                  >> A1_Nik_Tesla_Logfile.txt

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