Meet Your Local Terminal

Lecture Notes

⬇︎ Terminal
⬇︎ Linux Cheat-sheet

If you are new to the command line you might find these links useful:

Get Started

Open your terminal and get started. The gray boxes are code chunks and you can copy past the content. Click on the page icon (⎘) at the top-right corner of each code block to copy the content directly into memory. Every command after the octothorp # (hashtag, pound or number sign, sharp symbol) is a comment and will be ignored. The number of octothorp does not matter and can be used to structure your code.


The general pattern of a command line interface is:

prompt> command [option(s)] (File)

Example: List (ls) content of a folder.

ls         # content of current folder
ls test/   # content of folder test
ls -lh     # list content of current folder use human-readable file size 

The list command ls is providing more than just the directory content. It shows you the rights, owner, size, and (last changing) date.

# - rw- r-- r-- jwalser users 161K Jan 17 12:22 p117_Help.txt
# - rw- r-- r-- jwalser users  92M Jan 17 16:51 p117_Metafile.txt
# d rwx r-x r-x jwalser users  16G Feb 19 15:43 data
# | --- --- ---  |       |     |    |            |
# |  |   |   |   |       |     |    |            └⊳ files / folders
# |  |   |   |   |       |     |    └⊳ date and time
# |  |   |   |   |       |     └⊳ size
# |  |   |   |   |       └⊳ group
# |  |   |   |   └⊳ owner
# |  |   |   └⊳ rights all (read/write/execute)
# |  |   └⊳ rights group (read/write/execute)
# |  └⊳ rights owner (read/write/execute)
# └⊳ d director / - file

Have a look at the Guru99 tutorial for more details about file permissions.

Basic Commands

pwd.................: absolute pathname of the current working direction
man <command>.......: manual page for command (exit with q)
cd <where>..........: change directory/folder
cd .. ..............: go up one directory
cd..................: go home
mkdir <dir>.........: create directory
rmdir <dir>.........: remove directory (if empty)
ls <dir>............: list content of directory
ls -alh <dir>.......: more detail list
echo "message"......: prints content or message
cat <file>..........: print and concatenate files
head -n 5 <file>....: show first n lines
tail -n 5 <file>....: show last n lines
more <file>.........: read file (exit with q)
less <file>.........: similar to more but newer
> & >>..............: re-direct output (e.g. pwd > file.txt)
cp <ori> <copy>.....: copy file
mv <old> <new>......: move and/or rename file
rm <file>...........: remove file - careful!!!
wc <file>...........: word, line, character, and byte count
grep "query" <file>.: search file(s) matching query
find................: find files based on characteristics (e.g. name)
sed.................: transform content of text files
clear...............: clear terminal 
history.............: show terminal history
date................: display date
cal.................: display calendar

▻ Have a look at the Linux cheat-sheet for more commands and ideas.


No worries if you do not know the command, help is at your fingertip! The manual can help you to understand the command better. You could Google it but you might get information not suitable for your system/version.

## Help (Syntax: help <command>)
help cat # might not work for all commands

## Help
cat --help # might not work for all commands

## Access the manual (Syntax: man <command>)
man cat # example

## Version
cat --version # might not work for all commands

## Where is binary file for the command located?
which cat

BUILT-IN Variables

echo ${SHELL}    # Gives present shell
echo ${USER}     # Displays username
echo ${HOME}     # Home directory of User
echo ${RANDOM}   # To get a random number
echo ${PWD}      # Current directory

User Defined Variables

echo "${MyName} (${MyRegistry})"

Create a Working Directory

## Where are you? Get current location:
# structure: /<folder>/<folder>/<folder>

## Create a working directory

mkdir ${HOME}/GDA20          # Main folder (directory) in your home directory
mkdir ${HOME}/GDA20/Terminal # Sub-folder (sub-directory) inside you main folder
mkdir ${HOME}/GDA20/Terminal # Create yet another folder inside this folder

# HOME < you are here
# └── GDC20
#     └──Terminal

## "Go to" the working diretory

cd ${HOME}/GDA20/Terminal # Change directory

# └── GDC20
#     └──Terminal < now you are here

Most of the time, there a multiple solutions for a specific task. For example, before we used mkdir multiple time to create subfolders. Would it not be nicer to do this with less typing?

## Test Folders
mkdir -p TestFolder_A/TestFolder_B/TestFolder_C
# ➜ Option -p creates intermediate folders

# WD < you are here
# └── TestFolder_A
#     └── TestFolder_B
#         └── TestFolder_C

## Go down and go up / step-by-step 
cd TestFolder_A/TestFolder_B/TestFolder_C

# WD
# └── TestFolder_A
#     └── TestFolder_B
#         └── TestFolder_C < you are here

cd .. # go one folder up

# WD
# └── TestFolder_A
#     └── TestFolder_B < you are here
#         └── TestFolder_C

cd ../.. # go to folders up

# WD < you are here
# └── TestFolder_A
#     └── TestFolder_B
#         └── TestFolder_C 

## Remove test folders
rmdir TestFolder_A

# ✘ does not work because there are sub-folder inside TestFolder_A
# ☛ rmdir deletes only empty folders
# ✔︎ we have to delete subfolder by subfolder

rmdir TestFolder_A/TestFolder_B/TestFolder_C

# WD < you are still here but subfolder C is gone
# └── TestFolder_A
#     └── TestFolder_B

rmdir TestFolder_A/TestFolder_B

# WD < you did not move but you deleted sub-folder B
# └── TestFolder_A

rmdir TestFolder_A/

# WD < you are still here and all sub-folders are gone

❖ Challenge #1: The command rmdir removed only empty folders. Can you find a way to remove all subfolders at once? Tip: Use the manual page to get help.

Suggestion #1

We can use the remove rm command with the recursive option. Careful with the force options - there is no undo option!

  mkdir -p TestFolder_X/TestFolder_XX/TestFolder_XXX
  rm -fr TestFolder_X/TestFolder_XX/TestFolder_XXX
  # ➜ Option -f, --force: ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt
  # ➜ Option -r, -R, --recursive: remove directories and their contents recursively

❖ Challenge #2: Does it matter is you use capital letters or not? Find a way to test if your local terminal is case sensitive.

Suggestion #2 Some filesystems are case insensitive. It is important to know if TEST and test is the same on your computer.

  mkdir TEST
  mkdir test
  # mkdir: TEST: File exists ➜ Terminal is not case sensitive

Data Streams

Every program we run on the command line has three data streams. We can alter these data streams in interesting and useful ways.

STDIN  (0) - Standard input
STDOUT (1) - Standard output (by default printed to the terminal)
STDERR (2) - Standard error (by default printed to the terminal)

Redirect Output (overwrite)

We change the default of STDOUT / STDERR from terminal to file.

## Print message on terminal
echo "Hello Terminal" # works and prints result to terminal
icho "Hello Terminal" # typo, does not work and prints error to terminal

## Redirect outputs (STDOUT and STDERR) in files
echo "Hello Terminal" 1> test1.txt 2> errors.txt
more test1.txt  # you could also use [less] or [cat] instead of [more]
more errors.txt # empty because there was no error

## Redirect outputs (STDOUT and STDERR) in files
icho "Hello Terminal" 1> test1.txt 2> errors.txt
cat test1.txt  # empty because there was a typo in the command
cat errors.txt # error message

## Redirect outputs (STDOUT and STDERR) in one file
echo "Hello Terminal" > test1.txt 2>&1
cat test1.txt

## Redirect only output (STDOUT) in a file
echo "Hello Terminal" > test1.txt # you do not need 1> if you only print STDOUT
cat test1.txt

Careful, you overwrite the file if you redirect STDOUT and STDERR into a file with the same name.

## Overwrite the previous message
echo "Nothing in life is to be feared." > text1.txt
more text1.txt

You can print to different files and combine (concatenate) the files.

## Print another message to a different file
echo "It is only to be understood." > text2.txt
## Merge content of files
cat text1.txt text2.txt > text12.txt
cat text12.txt

Redirect Output (append)

There is an alternative to merge mulitple output files. We can use the double greater than operator (>>) to appended the output to an existing file.

## Add (>>) a third line to the combined file
echo "Marie Curie" >> text12.txt
cat text12.txt

Redirecting from a File

We can use the less than operator (<) to

wc -l text12.txt
wc -l < text12.txt

It looks similar but there is a subtle difference.

wc -l text12.txt   >  count.txt
wc -l < text12.txt >> count.txt
cat count.txt
# 3 text12.txt
# 3 <file name is missing>

When we redirect the STDIN we send the data "anonymously". The program does not know where the data is coming from. A trick to avoid unwanted ancillary information.

## This is ugly
wc -l text12.txt > count.txt
echo "We have $(cat count.txt) lines."
## This is better
wc -l < text12.txt > count.txt
echo "We have $(cat count.txt) lines."


Sending data from one program (STDOUT) to another one (STDIN) is called piping. We us the vertical bar | to feed the output from one cammand to the next.

## Create a multi-line message 
echo -e "Think Like a Proton\nStay Positive" > proton.txt
# ➜ \n stands for newline and divides the string into two lines
cat proton.txt

## Copy first / last line to a new file
cat proton.txt | head -n 1
cat proton.txt | tail -n 1


You can use the redirect option to create log-files of e.g. your terminal sessions.

## Create an empty file and fill it
rm ZERO.txt; touch ZERO.txt
echo "Test Log File"                    >> ZERO.txt
echo "-------------------------------"  >> ZERO.txt
echo "My working directory:${PWD}"      >> ZERO.txt
echo "My tree version:"                 >> ZERO.txt             
tree --version | cut -c1-12             >> ZERO.txt
echo "-------------------------------"  >> ZERO.txt
tree                                    >> ZERO.txt
echo "-------------------------------"  >> ZERO.txt
date +"%d/%m/%y"                        >> ZERO.txt
echo "-------------------------------"  >> ZERO.txt
clear; cat ZERO.txt

❖ Challenge #3: Let us create a virtual dice and safe the results of three throws in a text file.

For this purpose we use the internal Bash function $RANDOM. It returns a (pseudo)random integer.

## Default use
echo ${RANDOM}

# > The default range is too large (0 - 32767)

## Restrict the range
echo $(( RANDOM % 7))

# > Better but we need a range from 1-6

## Range between 1-6
echo $((1 + RANDOM % 6))

So far so good. Now, we need to roll our dice three times and safe the results in a file.

Suggestion #3

3.1 Step-by-Step

   echo $((1 + RANDOM % 6)) > random_number_1.tmp
   echo $((1 + RANDOM % 6)) > random_number_2.tmp
   echo $((1 + RANDOM % 6)) > random_number_3.tmp
   cat random_number_[123].tmp > random_numbers_S1.txt
   rm *.tmp
   cat random_numbers_S1.txt
3.2 No temporary files

   echo $((1 + RANDOM % 6)) >  random_numbers_2.txt
   echo $((1 + RANDOM % 6)) >> random_numbers_2.txt
   echo $((1 + RANDOM % 6)) >> random_numbers_2.txt
   cat random_numbers_S2.txt
3.3 Using a FOR Loop (for more advanced users)

   for i in 1 2 3
     echo "Random Number ${i}: ${RANDOM:3}"
   done > random_numbers.txt
   cat random_numbers_S3.txt

Copy, Rename and Remove

## Copy a file - original is kept
cp text12.txt Marie_Curie.txt
ls -l
cat text12.txt Marie_Curie.txt

## Rename (move) file - original is lost
mv ZERO.txt logfile.txt
ls -l

## Remove file(s)
rm text12.txt text.txt
ls -l

❖ Challenge #4.1: What is the difference between the two commands.

cp file.txt newfile.txt
cat file.txt > newfile.txt
Suggestion #4.1

- The first line creates a copy of the file. It is possible to copy any file.

  cp file.pdf newfile.pdf # ✔︎ 
- The second command reads and writes the content of the text file into a new text file. This will not work for files that cannot be opened with cat. For example, it would not work for PDFs.

  cat file.pdf > newfile.pdf # ✖︎

❖ Challenge #4.2: When would you use mv instead of cp?

mv file.txt newfile.txt
Suggestion #4.2

Use the move command to rename and/or move a file. Copy a file is safer because you keep the original but large files might take a while to copy and use disk space.


In the previous chapter you created various text files. You can list all files in your working directory or select only specific files. Wildcards can be very hand for this task.

## List all text files
ls *.txt          # list all files with ending .txt
ls text?.txt      # list all files starting with test, followed by one character, and ending with .txt
ls text[123].txt  # list all files starting with test, followed by 1,2 or 3, and ending with .txt
# ➜ * any characters
# ➜ ? one charachter
# ➜ [123] a group - meaning 1, 2, or 3

## Remove multiple files
rm text1.txt text2.txt text3.txt
rm text[123].txt

❖ Challenge #5.1: Can you find a command line to delete the index (I1 or I2) samples but keep the forward (R1) and reverse (R2) reads?

Suggestion #5.1

There are usually more than just one possible solution. Some might be better (e.g. faster, more secure) than others but it is paramount you understand what you do.

  ## Suggestion 5.1a
  rm -i Sample_GX0I1_I1.fq.gz Sample_GX0I1_I2.fq.gz Sample_GX0I2_I1.fq.gz Sample_GX0I2_I2.fq.gz
  # ➜ Safe and it works but imagine you have a few hundred files.

  ## Suggestion 5.1b
  rm -i Sample_GX0I?_I?.fq.gz
  # ➜ Also safe and would work just fine as long as all samples follow the same name structure.

  ## Suggestion 5.1c
  rm -i *_I1.*
  # ➜ Short and precise but can be dangerous. 

  ## Tip: You might test your wildcards first?
  ls -ah *_I1.*

❖ Challenge #5.2: What is the problem with the following command? Can you correct it?

# cat sequence*.fa >> sequence_all.fa # ✖︎✖︎✖︎ Do not use!
Suggestion #5.2

The command will never finish until your hard drive is filled. The wildcard also includes the output file and this would create a "never ending" circle. Better/correct solutions would include:

  cat sequence*.fa >> all_sequence.fa
  cat sequence*.fa >> different_path/sequence_all.fa

Terminal History

You might be familiar with the history of your internet browser. The terminal has a history too. This is great because with command history we cannot only search the past but it also means not to retype previous commands. Use arrow up and down to travel within your history. You can also access it:


With no options (default), you will see a list of previous commands with line numbers. Lines prefixed with a ‘*’ have been modified. An argument of n lists only the last n lines.

-c clear history 
-d offset Delete the history entry at position offset.
-d start-end Delete the history entries between positions start and end
-a Append the new history lines to the history file.
-n Append the history lines not already read from the history file to the current history list.
-r Read the history file and append its contents to the history list.
-w Write out the current history list to the history file.

Syntax examples:

history [n]
history -c
history -d offset
history -d start-end
history [-anrw] [filename]

❖ Challenge #6: Why would you need a history of your commands?

Suggestion #6

There are many good reason. Let me list a few, for me obvious ones. I am happy to learn new ones if you like to share.
- You might have noticed that with the keys you can navigate the history. Saves a lot of time typing the same or a similar command.
- You can also used the history for troubleshooting or to keep a log file of your session.

Some Sequence Examples

# Download a sequence fasta file
pwd # make sure this is the right place for the download
curl -O
ls -lh RDP_16S_Archaea_Subset.fasta

# Count the number of lines in the file 
wc -l RDP_16S_Archaea_Subset.fasta

# Have a look at the fasta file
less RDP_16S_Archaea_Subset.fasta

# Have a look at the first 15 lines
head -n 15 RDP_16S_Archaea_Subset.fasta

# Count the number of sequences
grep ">" -c RDP_16S_Archaea_Subset.fasta

# Find a specific motif and highlight it
grep "cggattagatacccg" --color RDP_16S_Archaea_Subset.fasta

# Count how many time you found the motif
grep "cggattagatacccg" -c RDP_16S_Archaea_Subset.fasta

# Find alternatives step-by-step
grep "cgggaggc" -c RDP_16S_Archaea_Subset.fasta
grep "cgggtggc" -c RDP_16S_Archaea_Subset.fasta
grep "cgggcggc" -c RDP_16S_Archaea_Subset.fasta
grep "cggggggc" -c RDP_16S_Archaea_Subset.fasta

# Find alternative faster
grep "cggg[atcg]ggc" -c RDP_16S_Archaea_Subset.fasta

Your Turn

1 - Create a text file with a title and your username.
2 - Add the last 20 command lines you used.
3 - Add a date to the bottom of the file.


  echo "=== Safe My History ===" >  MyHistory.txt
  echo "${USER}"                 >> MyHistory.txt
  echo "-----------------------" >> MyHistory.txt
  history | tail -n 20           >> MyHistory.txt
  echo "-----------------------" >> MyHistory.txt
  date "+%A, %d.%B %Y"           >> MyHistory.txt
  clear; cat Chapter8.txt